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NOMADIM is Marc Croft's jazz project. His travelling violin reveals traces of a multiple identities, springing from a broad spectrum of musical traditions - jazz and classical, eastern music and oriental scales, klezmer and flamenco - an atypical education that lets him explore the entire sound palette of his instrument. But this technical virtuosity is always at the service of expressivity, a discourse both poetic and modern through which Crofts frees himself from his models to bring us his inner song.
In 2021 Nomadim released their first album as a trio.
In 2024, Marc reformed Nomadim as a quartet, including drums for the first time, bringing a whole new repertoire to the stage !
Photo : Diego Fernandez
NOMADIM is Marc Croft's jazz project. His travelling violin reveals traces of a multiple identities, springing from a broad spectrum of musical traditions - jazz and classical, eastern music and oriental scales, klezmer and flamenco - an atypical education that lets him explore the entire sound palette of his instrument. But this technical virtuosity is always at the service of expressivity, a discourse both poetic and modern through which Crofts frees himself from his models to bring us his inner song.
In 2021 Nomadim released their first album as a trio.
In 2024, Marc reformed Nomadim as a quartet, including drums for the first time, bringing a whole new repertoire to the stage !
Nomadim - L'Echo des Pavanes RTS : Espace 2 - Vincent Zanetti
Nomadim - part 1 Radio Cité - Gilles Soulhac
Nomadim - part 2 Radio Cité - Gilles Soulhac
Nomadim : 11 janvier Radio Chablais - Cyrille Zoller
Marc Crofts - Entre les Âges Radio Cité - François-Xavier Poizat
Marc Crofts - 24 mars Radio Evasion - De Bouche à Oreille

Nomadim Review

Jazz Thing - Nomadim

La Liberté - Thierry Raboud
"Nomadim, jazz en partance" - Chronique de Thierry Raboud

Tribune de Genève & 24 heures - Fabrice Gottraux
Le choix de la rédaction - Nomadim

Paris Move - Patrick Dallongeville
NOMADIM - Chronique

The Art Music Lounge - Lynn René Bayley
"Nomadim" - review by Lynn René Bayley

Jazz'n'more - Georg Modestin
Nomadim review

London Jazz News - Jane Mann
CD Review for London Jazz News, Jane Mann - Nomadim

Citizen Jazz - Alice Leclerq
Nomadim - Chronique d'Alice Leclerq

One More Time - Louis Vaney
Nomadim - sept/oct 2021

UK Vibe - Imran Mirza

Culture Jazz - Jean Louis Libois
L'Appeal du Disque - mai 2021 - Nomadim

Scènes magazine - Rosine Schautz
Destination Marc Crofts - Chronique & entretien avec Rosine Schautz

All About Jazz - Geno Thackara
Global Folk and Fusion - NOMADIM

L'Alsace & DNA - Thierry Boillot
"Nomadim, le jazz sans domicile fixe", article de Thierry Boillot

article Nomadim Espace Django
"Concerts Captés", article

Au Grès du Jazz – La Petite Pierre · KlangBasel Festival – Bâle · Cully Jazz Festival – Cully· Icogne Jazz Festival – Icogne · BCV Concert Hall – Lausanne · Em Bebbi sy Jazz – Bâle · Lavaux Classic – Cully · Jazz en Rade – Vallée de Joux · Festival Arts & Performance – Chateau de Vullierens · Creative Strings Festival – Lausanne · Espace Django Strasbourg · JazzContreBande – Genève · Temple Neuf – Strasbourg   etc.
Au Grès du Jazz – La Petite Pierre · KlangBasel Festival – Bâle · Cully Jazz Festival – Cully· Icogne Jazz Festival – Icogne · BCV Concert Hall – Lausanne · Em Bebbi sy Jazz – Bâle · Lavaux Classic – Cully · Jazz en Rade – Vallée de Joux · Festival Arts & Performance – Chateau de Vullierens · Creative Strings Festival – Lausanne · Espace Django Strasbourg · JazzContreBande – Genève · Temple Neuf – Strasbourg   etc.